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Thursday, 26 August 2010

6. Keep Things Tidy

6. Keep Things Tidy
If you are going to be using bright colour powders or dark eye shadows it’s a good idea to do your eyes first, before your face. This way if there is any powder drop-down you can simply wipe if off and apply foundation and concealer to a clean under eye area, instead of having it drop and smudge all over your perfectly blended base!
When doing a makeup I will almost always start with the eyes: Apply a primer as a base so that the shadow will last longer, or make a colour grab and pop, next gently powder the primer, then apply the shadow to the lid. After I have done all the eye shadow, and pencil If I'm using it, I will clean underneath the eye and on top of the cheek bone, where often small particles of powder will have dropped. Only then will I begin to apply the base - on a nice clean face with no annoying smudges on the foundation or powder sitting under the eye to accentuate any dark circles or bags! I always leave the mascara until last. Why? Well, that's a tip for another day! Stay tuned!

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