They say that marriage is just a piece of paper and that it doesn't change your relationship.
Technically this is true, but it doesn't account for all the amazing feelings that getting married and having a wedding day conjures up and leaves with you long after the party is over.
Since becoming man and wife, Mr K and I both agree that we feel so much more together than before.
Now, we have been 'together' for about 8 years, so it's not like we rushed into marriage before we knew what we were signing up for, yet we both have this feeling that we are now well and truly a couple in every sense of the word. We are no longer separate entities from two different families who live together, we have started our own family: Mr & Mrs K. We are a team, and it doesn't matter what anyone else says ever again because we have each other as our own best friends and personal cheerleaders! We are Husband and Wife! I don't care what anyone says about this - the first time you get to introduce your 'Husband' to someone, or be referred to as "my Wife" it is such an awesome feeling, and I challenge anyone to tell me it's just the same as saying boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or other half...
It is not.
This is going to sound strange, but after our wedding I felt there was more love in our house - in our relationship. That's not to say I somehow magically unlocked a previously untapped and undiscovered Source Of Love once we said "I do".
The extra love came from our friends and family who were such a big part of our wedding day.
Aside from the fact that our loved ones helped to handcraft and build our wedding* they injected the day with so much happiness, good will, best wishes, hugs, kisses and smiley faces that I still feel the love that radiated around the garden on our wedding day and I carry it with me now even nearly 2 months later. I hope I remember the feeling of being awash with so much love forever!
To all those who say that a wedding is just a party for that legal formality, Marriage - which is just a piece of paper; I say - No it isn't. A wedding is an opportunity for everyone you love and who loves you to show how much they care for you by being there and showering you with all their best hopes and wishes for your future together. Yes, these things are invisible, but they are far from intangible - I felt full of love and happiness on my wedding day and I know it wasn't just my own good feelings I was carrying around with me, and still have with me today.
So, for everyone who was there on the 11th August whose help we couldn't have done without, and for all those who couldn't be there but were thinking of us, Thank you!

*Our friends and family literally built/made our wedding. There was baking of scones and cakes, making of jam and pavlovas, flower-planting, pompom-folding/fluffing/hanging, mustache-making, bunting-sewing, photobooth-prop-designing, flag-stamping, bow-tying, hay bale-moving, sign-writing, pit-digging, post-hammering, flower-picking, hessian-wrapping, tent-decorating, place-setting, candle-lighting. . . . the list goes one, but you get the idea!